Dear Family and Friends,
There’s a lot of work involved in promoting a book. It’s
something I did only minimally for the first one, Sing . . . The Poems. For
this one, Sing to Me and I Will Hear You – A Love Story, I not
only set up dates for readings and book signings (July 10 at Longfellow Books
and August 1 at the Portland Public Library), but I also spent a good bit of
time submitting required information and photos to the directors of two allied
nonprofit organizations – Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance (MWPA) and Find Maine Writers (FMW).” But that important part of the job is now done (I say with an exclamation point)!
here to read MWPA’s monthly “Ex Libris Maine” E-newsletter. Then you’ll see the bare bones synopsis I had to write and the cover photo of my book. And that, in
turn, will bring you to my website where you’ll see - but just click here to see both my book cover and profile now included among those of other Maine writers.
(By the way, people really like the cover photo. It was taken
by my publisher, David Gawlik of Wisconsin, who is also an excellent
photographer. He took the photo at a CORPUS Conference, in 2005. One couple
after another – married priests and their wives – lined up before David’s
To be honest, this is the part I like least – getting
these little tasks completed. It’s daunting for a newcomer like me who is not
hard-wired to grasp web formatting, if that’s the right expression. But I
hasten to add that it’s been rewarding to experience the kindness of Joshua
Bodwell, of MWPA, and Stephen Abbott, of FIND MAINE WRITERS. Co-directors of
these organizations, they patiently directed me as well. Their work makes us
Mainers proud; it’s responsible for keeping our literary community vibrant.
If you haven’t yet received a copy of my Sing to Me and I
Will Hear You – A Love Story, you could support local bookstores where I’ve
brought copies – Nonesuch Books in both South Portland and Biddeford, The Book
Review in Falmouth, and three bookstores in Portland – Letterpress Books at
Northport, Sherman’s on Exchange Street, and of course, Portland Portland’s
well loved independent bookstore – Longfellow Books.
In fact, if you’re out of town and need either of the books
or the CD delivered,
has a direct link to Longfellow Books. Chris Bowe its co-owner said: “You do
the writing. We’ll do the distributing.” Now I’m eager to get back to work on
the third book and to garden!
With loving gratitude,