Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings of peace and joy this Christmas - including Solstice, (though it’s past now) ;o) Hanukkah, and Kwanza. (We have Africans in our parish.)
Without downplaying the nostalgia of this season for all who miss loved ones no longer physically present, (and since it was during this season Francis was dying two years ago, it’s doubly nostalgic for me) – still, I say what my “philosopher” father would say: Since we all must die - and Francis’ death was an extraordinarily “good death” - how could I not trust the wisdom behind the events of my life that guides me?
I’m in awe discovering such healing and joy in writing. It even feels like a calling - to tell Francis’ and my story. Just as together we tried to work for peace and justice through our engagement in yoga, the Dances of Universal Peace and permaculture, I have to trust that my new path will be another way. I pray to be faithful.
I celebrate Jesus’ birth and coming because the Love He brought and lived offers - to suffering humanity and our planet with all its creatures (of which we are a part) - the greatest promise. I celebrate Jesus also because during Francis’ and my last earthly exchange, firmly holding each others’ hands - I told him I was now handing him over into Jesus’ hands. I saw in his radiant smile – a man transformed, ready for the next stage of the “Mystery.” Because it was a theme of his, I used his words as the dedication of my soon to be published book of poems: “To Francis who knew how to surrender to Mystery.”
Good health to you and yours in 2012!
Love and always – much Gratitude!
PS I just returned from “Midnight Mass” (which began at 10 PM.) where I was reminded of my papa who sang “Minuit Chretiens” (O Holy Night) as the soloist for many many Christmas Eve’s.
I’ll also never forget either - it was on Christmas Eve (two years ago) that Francis said to me, at the end of our extraordinary dialogue: “Your presence was deeply drawn into my soul, and so, I am very happy.” I will never forget that. (It’s on this blogspot under December 26, called “Sharing our precious dialogue” (because I waited to get his permission before sharing it.)
PPS: I have spent four days rewriting the chapter of how Francis and I fell in love since the discovery of more letters has shed even more light on the subject. What a joyous thing - to be working on the Memoir Love Story!